The Impact of Sustainability in the Workplace

By Alessandra Tarantino July 2021

Managing a company can be one of the most challenging yet rewarding aspects of business, but is that all? There is so much needed to create a suitable working environment, and a sustainable workplace is necessary today more than ever. Now that Covid vaccinations have reached a reasonable momentum, and the world is approaching a post-pandemic state,  trying to find the right balance between planet, people and profit in the workplace is key. Studies show that a sustainable and healthy workplace produces motivated and happier workers which increases lasting employee productivity. The 2030 Agenda countdown has begun and if companies want to be successful long-term, the barriers combating the implementation of sustainable development should be removed and it should begin with the workplace.

Sustainability in the workplace is an approach requiring leadership and reaching goals beyond superficial rules and regulations. Many companies worldwide have adopted this way of thinking and are using it to showcase company values, weigh impacts and outcomes, stand out competitively and improve their businesses. Incorporating sustainability into companies  provides managers and employees with the occasion to improve their business, protect their workers and achieve sustainability for their entire organization. I recall as a young girl an advertisement that used the motto “reduce, reuse and recycle”; a slogan that I remember to this day. Among reuse and recycle, reuse is better to practice because the recycling of materials requires energy as well as money. Sustainable management of natural resources is necessary because it supports a mindful and cautious use of resources without misusing and compromising the needs of future generations. There is a profound interlink between enterprises, society and environment. In fact, many businesses are advertising well thought out ‘green’ and ‘reusable’ campaigns. A long-lasting improvement in the economic functioning of firms and countries can be accomplished only if people and their dignity are safeguarded, if social welfare is enhanced, if natural resources are properly administered, if  the global environment is defended and if business integrity is encouraged. At the same time, corporations may be positive facilitators of changes. Firms, solo or in partnerships, with other private or public companies, are the foundation of many organizational, technological and institutional improvements. These advancements boost economic growth, social interrelations and environmental preservation in a balanced way and generate a genuine sustainable value. Sustainability is not only promoted in renowned companies but can be applied to any establishment around the world. As a matter of fact, Giorgio Armani even said: “The philosophy underpinning my brand has always been sustainability: through my work, I offer clothes that last and can be worn for many years […]. It is vital to adopt a sustainable position nowadays. The question of ethics even comes before strategy.”

We live in a very wasteful society and trying to make a drastic change in the way we consume will be very arduous if we don’t put an effort. Let us look at companies for instance; if they were able to prevent waste, or were to reuse this waste somehow, turning material into useful contributions for other production processes or even for their own production, they would be able to carry out what is called, a circular process. One company who has taken this mechanism seriously is H&M. The well-known clothing store is taking back used clothes from consumers and offering them a discount on new products. This is an excellent example of incentive, encouraging consumers to not throw away their clothes and to receive money from a recycled product. H&M has taken a serious risk, because it is not always easy for a company to reuse something that is considered a ‘waste’. The other concern businesses have is whether or not consumers are willing to accept products that are made of recycled materials, as the majority of consumers are always seeking new products. The consumer mentality always seeks the next available product on the market, and it must always be new and modern, but this is precisely the problem. If we take this mentality and multiply it for every consumer, we have a massive amount of waste and material distributed worldwide. For this reason, a change needs to be implemented globally, reaching as many consumers as possible. Although this adaptation may be daunting, it must be done. As soon as major companies are on board, this transformation will become easier. In the end, if a company is able to overcome barriers, it can gain many advantages on the market.

Circular economy appears to be very convenient from an economic point of view. First of all, it can save businesses a lot of money. Second, it makes the company more competitive with other companies that are moving in the same direction, which perhaps are not able to get the same advantages using a circular approach. Moreover, there needs to be a significant change in the way sustainability is achieved in the workplace. Let us look at the United States for example where some initiatives of sustainable development are applied. These include: green areas, crop rotation, sustainable projects and constructions, water effective fixtures and treatment and renewable clean energy for which several improvements have been made thus far. Crop rotation is an agricultural custom of alternating different types of plants on the same piece of land over several seasons. This procedure is used when same crops are grown on the same field for years and the soil eventually is deprived of certain nutrients. Companies have already implemented several of these concepts, which should serve as an inspiration for many future businesses. Sustainable management is needed because it is an important part of the ability to successfully maintain the quality of life on our planet and the workplace. Organizations cannot be sustainable without fully protecting the health, safety and welfare of their workers, their most important contributors. Another great example of sustainability in the workplace is a considerable amount of reduction in water waste. If we take a look at the United States again, The United States  Environmental  Protection  Agency, created the WaterSense Program already in 2006, which certifies products that use 20% less water than the federal minimum, without affecting performance. The WaterSense fixtures include dual-flush toilets and 1.28 gallons per flush toilets. Ever since then, many states across the country have adopted this water conservation mechanism. The example above is an excellent demonstration of government implementation in policies, plans and projects. Therefore, when civil authorities use their power to tangibly make a change, it effects the lives of thousands of people, and thus makes change more reachable and effective.

More and more CEO’s see sustainability as extremely important to their company’s name and are including it as part of their values and as part of their production. There needs to be a connection among engineering, management and economics, where solutions for sustainability at all levels of management can be fostered. As a result, workplace sustainability engages employees, reduces costs, increases productivity, enhances brand reputation, attracts employees and minimizes waste. In addition to the implications for policy and strategy making, forming current employers with sustainable corporate processes operations and technologies across different industries, will improve production, work and society. Sustainability has become an important aspect of businesses. Large multinational companies and mid-sized companies are seriously taking environmental and social risks into consideration. Many enterprises throughout the globe are aware that by addressing environmental and social issues, they will achieve better growth and value savings, improve their company and reputation, and strengthen business relations. This plan should be able to grow the business and at the same time efficient enough to sustain and protect the environment.

There isn't such a thing as a perfect place or a perfect job, no organization can truly fulfill every hope and wish of its employees, thus it helps to know which aspects of business matters most to the workers. Albeit difficult, some companies around the world have already made progress thanks to leaders' judgment and the creation of a balance between interests, time, attention, and responsibility. Company executives should allow people to be themselves, release the flow of information, expand people's strengths, look beyond personal profit gain, demonstrate that hard work is worthwhile, and set rules that people can truly believe in. The abovementioned standards should serve as key points for those who truly wish to generate a productive, inclusive and rewarding work environment, and they can be done in many ways. First and foremost, leaders can transform the workplace by creating an open relationship among employees with the creation of social events, employee learning development seminars, create a culture of continuous improvement, and welcoming events for new entries. Staff members need to remember that they are humans, not machines and there are many things to converse about with colleagues that go beyond work-related topics. Something as simple as a dinner or lunch-in can prove that there is more to life than just work, but rather it is the people that make a company. Sustainability does not solely promote the environment but benefits the firm and helps develop a positive relationship with customers as well. Sustainability has a positive impact on customer loyalty, reputation, innovation, risk management, operations and resource efficiency. While businesses recognize that sustainability represents an opportunity for growth, it may eventually become a base for larger investments. The Sustainable Development Goals are an incredible tool set out for us, directing their attention on the future. Sustainability does not come to completion in a formal stage, but it goes beyond that, it is about how things are achieved. For any organization to be truly sustainable, it has to focus on the long term. A strong aspect of sustainability is rooted on creativity, innovation and modernization. The only way a company can thrive for many years is by constantly renovating and reinventing itself in ways that continuously promote sustainability and growth.